Clarke & Clarke Alvar Fabric Collection–Clarke-Alvar-Fabric-Collection__c-p-0-0-10084-10081-10623.aspx

Alvar is offered in a wide range of sumptuous shades, this rich cotton-like plain velvet can be used effortlessly around the home and across many contract applications.

The colours available are:

Agean, Amber, Antique, Aqua, Arctic, Ash, Bark, Beaver, Birch, Blush, Bracken, Candy, Celadon, Charcoal, Chive, Chocolate, Citron, Cobble, Cream, Ebony, Espresso, Flame, Flamingo, Fuchsia, Gold, Heather, Herb, Indigo, Lark, Lavender, Midnight, Mist, Mocha, Ochre, Olive, Plum, Raspberry, Rose, Ruby, Sage, Sand, Slate, Snow, Spruce, Sunset, Taupe, Teal and Wedgewood.

We are offering 10% discount on ALL fabrics until the end of June, this will be automatically deducted in checkout! Don’t miss out!

For further information please call us on 01915849002 or email